PROGRAMS Energy & Climate Change

Participatory NDCs for a climate-just response in COVID-19 world

Nepal prepared and submitted its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UN Climate Change Secretariat in October 2016, which has recently been revised and submitted to the UNFCCC on 8th of December 2020 as the second NDC of Nepal. The revised NDC has been prepared by Nepal covering the sector as guided by the IPCC technical guideline and is also on the prescribed format recommended by the UNFCCC.

As the GoN has already formulated its second NDC and submitted to the UN Climate Change Secretariat, now the focus should be on its effective implementation. To ensure effective implementation of NDC, the NDC implementation plan is a must, which has to be formulated immediately to achieve the set target in its second NDC. The other important aspect is to ensure the engagement of multiple stakeholders including the CSOs and Youths with special emphasis on the representatives of climate vulnerable, landless and small holder’s farmers, marginalized communities.  So, from this project, CEN together with CANSA, advocate for the timely formulation of NDC implementation plan. Further, to ensure the stakeholder engagement in the implementation plan formulation process, CEN organized various consultation with GoN agencies and CSOs of Nepal and advocate for effective strategy in the NDC Implementation Plan to achieve the target set in the NDC of Nepal.

Further, the GoN in its second NDC mentions to formulating a Long-Term low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy by 2021 with the aim to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050. Although the GoN has set such targets in its first NDC including in its National Climate Change Policy, however it was not materialized. Hence it is also important to advocate for the formulation of Long Term Strategy with due engagement of multiple stakeholders including the CSOs, Youths and representatives of climate vulnerable groups.  

In the above context, the present global pandemic created due to Covid-19 has further created a dilemma on how the countries and stakeholders  prioritize the most vulnerable segments of the societies to safeguard them from the present health emergency and also build their resilience to tackle climate change including other challenges. Green recovery is the only option that countries most adopt in the current context and the role of CSOs is crucial in this process; hence Clean Energy Nepal and NSC of CANSA in Nepal came up with the plan to implement below mentioned activities.


  1. Multi-stakeholders consultation on Nepal's NDC Implementaton plan at National level and all provinces of Nepal
  2. Multi-stakeholders consultation on Nepal's Long Term Strategy to achieve net zero GHG emission by 2050 
  3. Lobby meeting with the Ministry of Forest and Environment to submit the key ask regarding NDC implementaton plan and long term strategy 
  4. A Tranining for CSO from sub-national level, Training for Youths from different Districts and Training for Journalists 
  5. Development of policy briefs covering key  sectors (Transport, Energy (hydropower and renewable energy), Waste, Clean Cooking (household energy) and GESI covered by Second NDC of Nepal and documentary on climate change impacts and adaptation strategy adopted by climate vulnerable communities in Nepal


  1. These activities have been instrumental in scaling up climate change debates and discourses in Nepal with engagement of wider stakeholders
  2. CSO’s  ability to contribute towards people-centered enhanced NDCs.
  3. Decision-makers (government, parliaments) engaged in key sectors relevant to NDC revision and recovery packages have actively made use of  CSO proposals for enhanced, people-centered and gender-responsive NDCs in the context of COVID-19.
  4. Capacitate the youth, media and CSOs
  5. Awareness of  climate change impacts on local communities